I've seen too many ignorant people argue over politics, race, sexual preferences, and the true history of America to sit here and stay quiet. (99% of the time, they're "straight" white conservative men who call themselves "Christian", but not always; and of course we all know not all cis white men are bad. My husband is a straight white man and he's great.) Our education system is purposely flawed (as is our justice system, our healthcare system, and government in general). So, I figured I would help educate some people, if at all possible. (I will link resources to proof of everything)
Let's start with racism, since it's still Black History month. America was built on racism. All the plantations, farms, factories, etc. (particularly in the South) had slave workers. We all know about slaves and segregation. We know about Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks. But, we fail to be educated on the countless other situations and people involved in civil rights.
Did you know black men and women were "experimented" on (tortured, most of the time) to "study" medical situations? Black men were purposely infected with STDs just so the government could study the progress. This is known as the Tuskegee project. Black women had surgery or painful procedures without pain medication by many different doctors.
https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm (Tuskegee's little STD project)
https://www.history.com/news/the-father-of-modern-gynecology-performed-shocking-experiments-on-slaves (One of the many situations of experimentation on black women)
Did you know black communities have been destroyed by different government agencies to make parks, lakes, etc.?
https://www.al.com/living/2014/11/drowned_towns_what_traces_of_g.html#:~:text=Benson%20was%20a%20community%20of%20mostly%20black%20residents,Susannah%2Cor%20Sousana%2C%20was%20also%20flooded%20by%20Lake%20Martin. (Black towns turned into lakes)
https://blackthen.com/seneca-village-the-black-community-that-was-destroyed-to-create-central-park/#:~:text=The%20African-American%20inhabitants%20were%20also%20quite%20unique%20for,village%20through%20eminent%20domain%20to%20create%20Central%20Park. (What now is Central Park, NY)
Did you know, to this day, black mothers are less likely to be taken seriously and are more likely to die during childbirth or have their children die in the hands of hospital staff?
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2020/maternal-mortality-rates-2020.htm (Maternity death rates)
There's more, but I think that gives you the gist of it.
Fun fact: Though I'm white, I specifically search for / request black nurses and doctors, when possible. If there isn't one, I search for another minority. This is solely due to the fact that I know I will be listened to; and the only medical staff who have not listened to me were white. All my favorite/ best experience with medical staff have been black.
Next racist situation: They're trying to block real American history with blacks from some southern schools, including Texas. Texas education proposition 4 is currently on ballots. When did it become legal to block history? I guess it was the same time we started banning educational books, because they're not on America's agenda. We need brainwashed people who refuse to learn the truth. 'Merica! Duh...
https://texasscorecard.com/state/ballot-propositions-on-the-march-republican-primary-election-ballot/ (Propositions currently on Texas' ballots)
https://robhillsr.com/interesting/list-of-banned-books-in-america-and-why.html (Current banned books in America)
Oh, I almost forgot about black inventors! Many, many things were invented by black people in America (even ranch!). But, we hardly learn about it. Many of them also didn't get the acknowledgment they deserved.
Here's some amazing black inventors: https://www.biography.com/people/groups/black-inventors
I could go on forever about race, but there's more than that.
Sexism! Yay... Sexism and racism tend to go hand in hand. Many don't realize that.
Did you know women actually had equality in many cultures before modern times? Yet, in America, we didn't. But, we call ourselves "free", "modern", and "advanced". Make it make sense. You can't.
https://localhistories.org/female-rulers-in-history/ (powerful women in history)
Women still are not paid equally to men in America. You ever wonder why companies are so "hush hush" about salary? Why they don't want us to communicate about our salaries with coworkers? Because they wouldn't be able to actively abuse the system if we spoke openly about our pay. I literally got called to a managers office to be spoken to because I mentioned to a coworker that I asked for a raise. Big no. SPEAK TO YOUR COWORKERS ABOUT YOUR PAY! It isn't "unprofessional", it's a tactic for them to abuse you.
https://online.adelphi.edu/articles/male-female-sports-salary/#:~:text=The%20average%20American%20woman%20earns%2081%25%20of%20what,and%20women%20has%20sat%20at%2080%25-83%25%20since%202004. (Here's one study on women making less than men for the same job, in the same profession. There's plenty more if you need more proof. Google is your friend.)
Did you know 81% of women (that's 1 out of 3) in America has been sexually assaulted, whereas 43% of men have? Did you know more than 50% of those sexual assaults on women are by their own partners/spouse? And 40% is by friends or acquaintances? That leaves only 10% of sexual assaults on women to be strangers or other members. Men are sexually assaulting their own partners, friends, and family members. And the majority of people who sexually assault men...are other men. As far as I'm aware, every single woman that I personally know my age has been sexually assaulted at least once. Despite how many women are sexually assaulted and how many men sexually assault women, very few get reported, and even less get charged; even if there's pure proof that they did it. I personally had an ex rape me more than once. It was reported. He was recorded admitting it multiple times. It still took years before prosecutors asked me if I wanted to continue to court for this, and he still isn't charged. He flat out admitted it.
https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics (Some sexual assault facts)
Even the white White House was on property stolen from The National Women's Party. Talk about sexism in the core of America.
https://qz.com/1800981/the-little-known-feminist-history-of-the-us-supreme-court/ (Here's that proof)
Just like with racism, there's loads more sexism issues I could talk about, but I think my point was proven. There's google, libraries, and research journals if you need more.
What's next? Healthcare. Which, also ties in with racism and sexism. We saw the experimentation on black people, but it doesn't end there.
Most of us know how much of a scam the American health insurance system is. The insurance system is a massive monopoly, and so are all the big Pharma companies. We pay thousands where they pay dollars on our thousands of dollars. But, we have to have health insurance. We get fined if we don't. Many hospitals, doctors offices, etc. won't accept patients without insurance. Pharmacy costs are way too much for someone without insurance, yet many prescriptions aren't covered by insurance anyways. Insurance companies are not healthcare providers, do not know the patients or their health concerns, and they are still making health decisions for patients. How the American healthcare system is in any way legal, I don't know. I have personally had to fight my health insurance companies (I've had multiple different companies) about my prescriptions.
On top of this, our healthcare is actually really bad for a "modern", "advanced" country. I put modern and advanced in quotes, because in reality, we aren't as modern or as advanced as many other countries. We lie to ourselves about it. As far as healthcare goes, we have a higher number of mother an infant death rates than many other advanced countries. We also pay much, much more for all healthcare costs. There's been many videos going around where people walk around other countries asking them if they know the prices of American healthcare. They are always shocked. Many of our doctors do not listen to us, especially woman. The obgyn field is barbaric. We don't receive pain medication for procedures where they insert needles, clamps, and scissors into our vaginal cavity or uterus. A great example of this is getting an IUD inserted. We are told they spread our cervix and insert the IUD. The truth is they pierce the cervix with plier needles and use that to then help spread the cervix open. It's extremely painful and they offer no pain medications. Many women faint or worse. I personally had an IUD and it was not only excruciating, but the actual IUD caused many problems as well and I had to get it removed.
There's also how badly COVID-19 has affected America compared to other countries...
Needless to say, America's healthcare system is terrible all around. And there's no excuses for it.
https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/quality-u-s-healthcare-system-compare-countries/ (American healthcare facts compared to other countries)
Racism, sexism, healthcare, the list goes on and on and on. America is not as advanced, as modern, as free, or as safe as we imply. To put it plainly, we are brainwashed from the beginning. It's not teachers faults, either. They're being taught the same thing. Many of us have no idea the truth about what's going on in our country until we see other countries and do our own research on different matters.
Prayers, love, and good vibes to all. Please go out and educate yourself and be the best you that you can be!